Monday, October 21, 2013

Obamacare and the Common Core Learning Standards

Just about everything that people say is wrong with Obamacare can be said to be wrong about the Common Core learning standards.  It was forced into law by self-appointed experts over the objections of large segments of people more familiar with how things really work.  No one knows what the law really says or means, including the people who wrote the law and are responsible for implementing it.  The launch has been a shambles.  Instructions change wildly every day.  Resources are not in place to do the things the law requires.  Professionals (Doctors and Teachers) are being held responsible for results they have no control over.  Things that were designed to measure one thing are being used to measure a number of totally different things.  It can take years to get things right, and in the meantime, lives and careers will be destroyed.  Maybe things will never be right.  Entire systems which had been developed over a 100 years or more are being discarded.  The old way worked for most people pretty well, but it wasn't working at all for certain other people.  And maybe it isn't the system that's the problem, but maybe those certain people (or their families) aren't preparing themselves properly.  They're relying on the system to do things that they could do better themselves.  If they only had better personal habits.  There are great suspicions that all these changes were manufactured so that certain special interests can get paid.    But still, a problem seems to exist in both education and health insurance. In the case of the Common Core, we're told to suck it up, that we all need time to experiment and work out the glitches.  In the case of Obamacare, we shut down the government.  We're told to root for failure.

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